Easy-to-Feed House Cats

Being a cat owner is a loving experience. However, ensuring healthy nutrition for indoor cats can sometimes be a challenging task. Fortunately, some breeds of house cats are more flexible and easier to feed. In this article, we will introduce the easiest-to-feed house cats.

List of Easy-to-Feed House Cats

  • British Shorthair
  • Persian
  • Sphynx
  • Ragdoll
  • Maine Coon

British Shorthair

British Shorthair cats require less energy than other breeds due to their low activity levels. Additionally, their digestive systems work quite well even with poor-quality food.

Key Messages:
  • British Shorthair cats have low activity levels.
  • They require less energy than other breeds.
  • Their digestive systems work quite well even with poor-quality food.


Due to their low activity levels, Persian cats may be picky eaters. However, providing them with appropriate food makes it easy to maintain a healthy diet.

Key Messages:
  • Persian cats have low activity levels.
  • They may be picky eaters.
  • Providing them with appropriate food makes it easy to maintain a healthy diet.


Despite being energetic, Sphynx cats burn more calories due to their fast metabolism. Their digestive systems are also quite sensitive, so selecting the right food is important.

Key Messages:
  • Sphynx cats are energetic, but their metabolism is very fast.
  • They burn more calories than other breeds.
  • Their digestive systems are quite sensitive, so selecting the right food is important.


Ragdoll cats have calm and low activity levels, so they require less energy. However, high-quality food should be preferred for a healthy diet.

Key Messages:
  • Ragdoll cats have calm and low activity levels.
  • They require less energy than other breeds.
  • High-quality food should be preferred for a healthy diet.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon cats are large and active, so they require more energy than other breeds. However, they need more high-quality protein sources for a healthy diet. Additionally, their digestive systems are sensitive, so selecting the right food is important.

Key Messages:
  • Maine Coon cats are large and active.
  • They require more energy than other breeds.
  • They need more high-quality protein sources for a healthy diet.
  • Their digestive systems are sensitive, so selecting the right food is important.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which house cat breed is the easiest to feed?

British Shorthair, Persian, Sphynx, Ragdoll, and Maine Coon cats are more flexible and easier to feed when it comes to nutrition.

2. My cat seems to have a decreased appetite, what can I do?

If your cat’s appetite has decreased, you can consult with your veterinarian to create an appropriate diet plan.

3. My cat has a sensitive digestive system, what kind of food should I prefer?

For cats with sensitive digestive systems, it is best to choose food that contains high-quality protein sources and no grains.

4. What nutrients should I pay particular attention to in my cat’s diet?

Your cat’s diet should contain high-quality protein sources, healthy fats, and essential vitamins and minerals.

5. Which foods are harmful to cats?

Foods that are harmful to cats include human foods such as chocolate, onions, garlic, grapes, and coffee.


The British Shorthair, Persian, Sphynx, Ragdoll, and Maine Coon house cats, which are more flexible and easier to feed when it comes to nutrition, are more suitable options for creating a feeding plan. However, each cat may have different needs and sensitivities, so it is important to consult with your veterinarian to create the most appropriate diet plan.

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